
The Line, like the impasto, deliver hardness show a dry operational plot appear among the landscapes " Trazzera"(1940) faces and figures of the working world.

The season of Realism was heralded when Gianbecchina, in 1941 returned to Palermo as a teacher.

The desire for the "true and for what in the "true" is stirred, are vehemently attested in Gianbecchina's work, and, at the same time, are becoming charged with the desire to transcend all forms of naturalism.

He begins a deeper analysis of the Landscape seen essentially as a theater of labor, where, at the same time, there stirs a subtle joy for that rediscovery of the archaic dimension of places "La Mia Terra"(1940-1943) "Valle del Belice"(1940).


Archivio Gianbecchina
Via Cavour, 106, Palermo, Italy
Tel. +39 333 355 6614 - +39 346 221 4377